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Highway, Transit, Rail, & Inter Model

North-Star has extensive experience in the Business Development, Program Management, Planning and Design of Rail and Infrastructure Projects for Public and Private sectors. In depth knowledge of the Infrastructure markets as well as a broad knowledge of marketing, sales, and project implementation practice. We have Perfected business developments in the Infrastructure sector and the ability to identify and secure critical projects.. Strong longstanding relationships with key decision-makers in the transportation, rail and Infrastructure sectors.Establish and generate new clients, successfully handled critical project relationship issues with current clients and provided opportunities to secure additional mega projects . Developed and monitored appropriate marketing budget, and evaluated and made recommendations for improving overall profitability within the service line.Presented to decision-makers, groups and organization about existing and future Infrastructures, Transportation and Rail Transit Oriented Developments (RTOD).Prepared competent mega projects proposals, successfully presented to client, successfully won these projects, and successfully managed the project team within projects budget, on time, and to the client satisfaction.Managed and performed key roles on mega projects including client communications, program and project management, consensus building, design, and operations.Specialties: Mega Projects Management and complex and sophisticated Proposals Preparation, Contract Negotiations, Client Management, Dispute resolution, knowledge of international laws; ability to develop the right team to win projects, proposal preparations and negotiations, ability to mentor staff for professional and personal growth, good listener.

SAR (Saudi Arabia Railway)


This project, the Northern Branch Lines Project in Saudi Arabia represents a major expansion of the Saudi Railway Company's Network. The expansion of the freight railroad network through this project will continue to support and underpin economic development throughout the Kingdom well into the future. This project in particular provides for a safe and efficient method to transport petroleum products and phosphate related commodities to key destinations within the Kingdom. With Luay Aljamal of North-Star as the Project Director, the project was completed and delivered on time, within budget and the client Satisfaction (Cost 4 Billion SAR)

Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB)/Caltrain South San Francisco Station, South San Francisco, CA - Senior Project Manager and director for the South San Francisco Station improvement and trackwork. The project consisted of improvements to the Caltrain line, a new station platform new pedestrian underpass, new bus and vehicle transit plaza, new track installation and an upgrade for existing track, along with the first station electrification upgrade in the USA, Project Cost: $390 Million.

Faifield_Vacaville_Transit Center

Complete project management for the new Fairfield/ Vacaville Train Station:

  • The new station center-platform of approximately 40' wide x 800' long, located just east of the existing Peabody Road crossing, between UPRR mainline track one (MT-1) and mainline track two (MT-2).
  • The new station parking lot and bus transfer area near the intersection of Peabody Road and Vanden Road.
  • Pedestrian underpass, approximately 16' (minimum) wide and 10' high, for access to the platform.
  • Modification of the existing UPRR Tracks to accommodate the proposed island platform

  • UPRR Track will be realigned around the proposed center platform and consequently, the existing turnout, which connects MT-2 to the Tolenas siding and Clorox industrial siding, will be relocated.
  • An electric lock switch machine for the turnout from MT-2 to Tolenas siding and a hand-thrown switch machine for the turnout from Tolenas siding to Clorox siding will be installed.
  • The signals and gates at Peabody Road will be relocated for the temporary grade crossing to support construction staging including the shoofly.
  • At-grade crossing for the shoofly and will be permanently eliminated upon project completion.
  • Peabody Road Grade Separation

  • Replace the existing Peabody Rd at-grade crossing with grade-separated overhead structure. Construct a 4-lane Peabody Road overhead structure designed to allow for an ultimate 6-lane structure.
  • Widen Peabody Road to four lanes from Vanden/ Peabody intersection south to Markeley Lane.
  • Retaining walls are required near the Peabody Road overhead structure (assumed MSE walls approximately 600 to 700 feet in length at all four corners of the overhead structure).
  • Street lighting for roadways and overhead will be providedless

4 team members

PCJPB/Caltrain San Mateo County Grade Crossings Safety Improvements, San Mateo County, CA - Project Management for the safety improvements project for both vehicular and pedestrian at-grade crossings along the Caltrain corridor in San Mateo County including signal design and upgrade, vehicle pre-emption, and vehicle/train coordination at intersection. The improvements were developed through a collaborative and programmatic approach to grade crossing safety between PCJPB, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the local roadway maintenance jurisdictions,
Project Cost: $25 Million

Tri-Met South/North Light Rail Project, Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA - Engineering for the Portland downtown CBD (Central Business District) Light rail alignment and the North segment from downtown Portland to Downtown Vancouver; this is a Public Transit Project linking Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington, Managed PE (Preliminary Engineering) and Alignment options studies, including public and private presentations
Project Cost: $3.4 billion.

Tri-Met Columbia River Crossing Study, Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA - As Project Manager, completed management from conception to conclusion as a part of the Preliminary Alternative Analysis of the North Corridor public transit project linking Portland and Vancouver. This study evaluated three crossing types, including a tunnel beneath the river, a low-level bridge crossing employing a movable span over the navigation channel, and a fixed high-level bridge crossing. The study addressed feasible alternative structure types including alignments, designs, designs constrain, and associated cost estimates developed for each crossing type.
Project Cost: $145 million.

Tri-Met Willamette River crossing study (Steel Bridge) Portland, OR - As Project Manager, led management from conception to conclusion, this study addressed an existing steel truss structure shared by Light Rail Transit, railroad, and private vehicle traffic. Operational and structural characteristics of this bridge were evaluated to assess the feasibility of continued use as a link in the LRT (Light Rail Transit) system. In addition a new LRT bridge adjacent to the steel bridge, and employing a movable span, was evaluated, this study provided an assessment of the costs and risks associated with rehabilitation and continued use of the Steel Bridge, and the engineering constrains and cost of a new LRT Bridge.
Project Cost: $90 million.

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